General Building Surveys

Our General Building Surveys are detailed reports that are usually based on singular items of concern, however may often discuss a number of issues affecting a building or structure depending on the brief provided by our client.

Typical subjects for this type of report include, but are not limited to, water penetration and leak diagnosis, concrete spalling diagnosis, damage affecting masonry walls and retaining walls, cracked and subsiding driveways, non-compliance issues with the relevant codes and standards, and reviews of existing window installations including their compliance (or otherwise) with recent changes to legislation.

Our General Building Survey reports are clear and concise and provide an appropriate level of detail including an introduction, synopsis of any relevant background or brief, our observations, comments, recommendations, conclusion and photographic record.

  • Water penetration and leak diagnosis (failed waterproofing to balconies, shower recesses, leaking roofs, windows, basement carparks etc)
  • Concrete spalling (commonly known as concrete cancer)
  • Cracking affecting masonry walls including retaining walls
  • Cracked and subsiding driveways
  • Non-compliance issues with the National Construction Code (NCC) / Building Code of Australia (BCA) including low-height balustrades etc
  • Reviews of existing window installations (timber-framed, steel-framed, Plasteel and aluminium-framed windows)

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