Supervisory Roles

Basic supervision
Pinnacle Building Consultancy provides a simple supervisory service in the form of periodic inspections of works in progress and basic status reporting, through to general contract administration and reporting. These services are often required by asset owners when substantial works are to commence, or when the property owner is not confident with managing or overseeing the works, particularly with respect to the contractor’s progress payment claims.

Additionally, we are able to review the terms of the contract and scope of works, and make assessments regarding the value of work completed to date. Pinnacle also liaises with the builder regarding variation submissions, extensions of time, and identifies and documents building defects.

Pinnacle Building Consultancy provides a comprehensive Superintendence service to assist its clients with meeting the key project parameters of time, cost, quantity, and quality. Our complete service includes preparation of a Contract Agreement based on the AS4000 suite of contracts and arranging for execution of the contract. In the case of a residential project, we also procure a copy of the Home Building Compensation Fund insurance policy Certificate of Currency from the Contractor on the Principal’s behalf. As one of our core business activities, our specialist project Superintendents have an exceptional understanding of the AS4000 suite of contracts, a wealth of remedial building and new-build knowledge, and are therefore fully equipped to manage both the contractual and physical sides of the project.

We believe that clear lines of communication are paramount in achieving successful outcomes in all types of remedial and new-build construction projects. Our degree-qualified construction project managers routinely participate in professional development, and are able to assist our clients with the successful management of projects of all types and value. The basic function of the Superintendent is to administer the Contract Agreement fairly, and reasonably on behalf of both parties. The Superintendent is responsible for valuing the works in progress including issuing progress payment certificates, assessing the requirement for, and value of, variations and extension of time claims, and issuing appropriate certification. Where provisional quantities or provisional sums exist, the Superintendent is also responsible for valuing the work carried out under those provisional amounts.

At completion of the project, the Superintendent identifies and documents any building defects, issues the Certificate of Practical Completion, and oversees the Defects Liability Period. All liaison regarding the existence (and subsequent rectification) of any identified building defects is managed by the Superintendent, including certifying the release of any security (bonds, retention monies etc).

Upon issue of the Final Certificate, the Superintendent may prepare a Post Completion Report outlining the final costs, timeframe and project outcomes.

Client-side Project Management
Our highest level of supervisory service is Client-side Project Management. This role is largely open to negotiation depending on our client’s requirements, however typically includes day-to-day site attendance, management, instruction, reporting and documentation. The role is similar to that of the Superintendent’s, albeit with more frequent site visiting and a higher level of interaction with the builder and subsequent documentation.

Prospective clients are encouraged to call or email us for further information, as the particulars of the project will assist us in providing the most relevant advice regarding our ability to provide tailored service.

  • Periodic inspections of works in progress and basic reporting
  • Contract administration and reporting
  • Project Superintendence

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